October 25th 2022 in Bridport

A wonderful day of drawing organised by Jo of Oops Wow Messy Art. A free/ donation event for the local community involving 6 local artists offering their time and magic for free, and several wonderful volunteers helping to make it happen. We had:
Flying Drawing, The Scribble Zone, and Make a Show - ongoing activities from Oops Wow Messy Art
My Beautiful World - Charcoal, Chalk & Imagination with Veronica Hudson.
Drawing Without Hands - with Angie Porter
Dinky Drawings - with Eileen Haste & Bridport Community Shed
Collaborative Concertina Sketchbooks - with Claudia Dharamshi
Make it Big, Step inside your drawing - with Kathy Kelly
Infinity Drawings - with Claire Nuttall
It was a brilliant event, with around 50 families attending, many staying for hours, popping out for lunch and coming back for more! Please look through the photos to see what we got up to, click onto the gallery and you will get to see the full-sized pictures.